Архивы: Projects


Rain Wi-Fi — The world's first 4G router that turns rain into free internet for residents caught in the rain in areas of the city where mobile internet is not available. Brand name: TELE2 Advertiser / client: Tele2 Product / service: Communication Chanel Campaign name: Rain Wi-Fi Agency network: GEOMETRY GLOBAL Agency: Geometry Global, Moscow [...]
09.10.2021 Read more


MUSIC MUSIC MESSAGE Слушай музыку, общайся и делись эмоциями. Playlist PLAYER Слушай и Пиши Встроенный мини-плеер и удобный плейлист музыки. Albums MESSAGE MESSAGE В мессенджере доступны все функции для общения Voice Message CALL Video Calls Функция видео звонков в приложении Chat
20.10.2021 Read more


IMPACT RALLY "Creativity is the answer. I always prefer the creative solution to an expensive solution." Top cars rally premium cars in the big race around moscow IMPACT RALLY "Creativity is the answer. I always prefer the creative solution to an expensive solution." Margins and Paddings Just one good joke in a day can actually [...]
07.10.2021 Read more